Friday, May 1, 2009

The Grinch

I remember the heart you had.
Back in March, I
place under your thumb
Metaphorically you became that,
habit too hard to cut back.
Break ups to makeups as they say.
But never a reconciliation;
Never a changing of terms.
They say absence makes
the heart grow fonder, And I say
then you need to go away for a VERY
long time.

Never a compromise, but life
has always had to be on your terms,
but then who would I be if I
wasn't myself (definitively)
Not the cheek you once rubbed
up against, with the stubbly.

Stolen away in immaturity,
only to grow up and feel
like she's losing the
child that she can't have
Not because she doesn't want
but because you won't man up.

It's not my place to bring
another fatherless child into
this world.

The Grinchiest of Grinches, i.e
The Church Educated Hypocrite,
what a Lie.

I am not my religion.
I exist as a spirit, eagerly awaiting
God to fulfill me with a blessing
that likens the none of you.
Hormones & blasphemy
Neurotransmitter blocked or maybe

Facing a wall, where is this window of opportunity
or is debt happiness, I was better.
Where's the window I need, to get away
from the showcase of everything and nothingness?

You're a mean one,
Mr. Grinch.

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